The New Sound of the East: Middle Eastern Covers Live
🗓️ 11. 4. 2025 @ 20:00 | VRATA @ 19:00
Ali R Taha je sirsko-iraški pevec, kantavtor in, ki prebiva v Ljubljani, Sloveniji. Združuje tradicionalne melodije Bližnjega vzhoda z modernimi zvoki, s čimer ustvarja edinstven slog, ki povezuje kulture in odmeva med različnimi občinstvi.
Yuri Baron je vsestranski basist, znan po svojem mojstrstvu v številnih glasbenih žanrih. Prihaja iz Italije, vendar že 17 let živi v Sloveniji, kjer njegovo dinamično igranje še naprej pušča pečat na glasbeni sceni.
Poseben gost: El Henry - palestinski rapper, ki živi v Ljubljani, Sloveniji. Kot gost bo El Henry demonstriral razvoj Bližnje vzhodne glasbe in se lahkotno vklopil v ritme znanih Bližnje vzhodnih melodij.
Vstopnina: 12€/10€ (študenti)
Vstopnice tukaj.
🗓️ 11. 4. 2025 @ 20:00 | DOORS @ 19:00
Ali R Taha is a Syrian-Iraqi singer, songwriter, and music producer based in Ljubljana, Slovenia. He blends traditional Middle Eastern melodies with modern sounds, creating a unique style that bridges cultures and resonates with diverse audiences.
Yuri Baron is a versatile bassist known for his talent across many genres. Originally from Italy, he has called Slovenia home for the past 17 years, where his dynamic playing continues to make a mark on the music scene.
Special guest: El Henry - A Palestinian rapper living in Ljubljana, Slovenia. As a guest, El Henry will highlight the way Middle Eastern music has evolved but finds its way into the rhythms of Middle Eastern melodies seamlessly.
Ticket Price: 12€/10€ (student)
Tickets available here.
Sahareya: Rap + Beats Live
🗓️ 18. 4. 2025 @ 20.00 | VRATA @ 19.00
Sahareya (aka Sarah Al Saleh) je 25-letna rapperka, pevka, plesalka in igralka iz Slovenije s sirskimi in hrvaškimi koreninami. V svoji glasbi prepleta hip-hop s zvoki R&Bja, trapa, rapa in elektronsko glasbo.
Skupaj z njo bo nastopil njen brat DJ SunnySun s svojimi beati. Njegova glasba združuje hip-hop in elektroniko, s soulful melodijami in kančkom funka, kar bo v Clay teater prineslo energijo, ki nas bo zagotovo spravila v ples.
Poseben gost: Etienne Raffal, kamerunski rapper, ki živi v Ljubljani. Nastopil bo v francoščini in kamerunščini, njegov hardcore rap pa prinaša neustavljiv vibe, ki nas bo definitivno spravi na noge!
Vstopnina: 15€/12€ (študenti)
Vstopnice so na voljo tukaj.
🗓️ 18. 4. 2025 @ 20.00 | DOORS @ 19.00
Sahareya (aka Sarah Al Saleh) is a 25-year-old rapper, singer, dancer, and actress from Slovenia with roots in Syria and Croatia. Through hip-hop, she mixes R&B, trap, rap, and electronic sounds.
Her brother, DJ SunnySun, will be joining her, dropping his own beats. His music blends hip-hop and electronic with soulful melodies and a touch of funk, bringing an energy that makes you move.
Special guest: Etienne Raffal, a Cameroonian rapper living in Ljubljana. He’ll perform in French and Cameroonian, bringing hardcore rap with a vibe that makes you move without even thinking.
Ticket Price: 15€/12€ (student)
Tickets are available here.
We look forward to seeing you there! 😊

Asterié: Premiera albuma Ver v živo
🗓️ 9. 5. 2025 @ 20:00 | VRATA @ 19:00
Delo Ver bo premierno uprizorjeno 9.5. v Clay Theatre v manjši formaciji ansambla. Zasedbo sestavljajo Leonarda Kavedžić (sopran), Laetitia Pohl Kiki (mezzo-sopran), Ela Božič (el. bas), in Jan Kopač (el. kitara). Koncert naslavlja naključja, skupnost, perspektive, plimovanje in cikličnost časa.
Vstopnina: 15€/12€ (študenti)
Vstopnice so na voljo tukaj.
🗓️ 9. 5. 2025 @ 20:00 | VRATA @ 19:00
The work Ver will be premiered on May 9th at the Clay Theatre in a smaller ensemble formation. The ensemble consists of Leonarda Kavedžić (soprano), Laetitia Pohl Kiki (mezzo-soprano), Ela Božič (electric bass), and Jan Kopač (electric guitar). The concert addresses coincidence, community, perspectives, ebb and flow, and the cyclicity of time.
Ticket Price: 15€/12€ (student)
Tickets are available here.

Lovestream: Improv + Živa Glasba
Lovestream: Improv + Živa glasba
🗓️ 21. 2. 2025 @ 20:00 | VRATA @ 19:00
Impro rap dvojec UM & KUNA Freestyle Show, imata za seboj že več kot 200 nastopov v najrazličnejših oblikah, žanrih in tudi formatih.
Tokrat v Clay Theatre prihajata kot new age spiritualna guruja in šarlatana - Jože Čutim (Kuna) in Vid Prihodnost (UM). Skozi njun new age parody format “LoveStream”, vam bosta dvigala vibracije in frekvence, čistila čakre, izvajala freestyle zvočno kopel ter razbremenila vaše denarnice za 12 EUR na dan dogodka.
Dogodek bo izgledal tako, da jima boste povedali svoje težave ali težave vašega prijatelja / prijateljice, UM & KUNA pa jih bosta potem skanalizirala in kozmično počistila skozi glasbeni freestyle healing. Previdno, da jima ne izdate svojega TRR-ja ali kakšne PIN kode do vašega bančnega računa, saj sta znana tudi po spiritualnih tatvinah. Pohitite z rezervacijo, saj so na njunem prejšnjem dogodku bile vse karte razprodane!
Na odru se jima bosta pridružila neverjetna in talentirana glasbenika: David Nik Lipovac in Leon Firšt.
Vstopnina: 12€/10€ (študenti)
Zagotovite si vstopnico SOLD OUT!
Ste ostali brez vstopnic? Pišite nam, da vas dodamo na čakalni seznam in obvestimo, če se sprosti kakšno mesto!
Lovestream: Impro + Live Music
🗓️ 21. 2. 2025 @ 20:00 | DOORS @ 19:00
The improv rap duo UM & KUNA Freestyle Show has already performed over 200 times in various forms, genres, and formats.
This time, they’re coming to the Clay Theatre as new age spiritual gurus and charlatans - Jože Čutim (Kuna) and Vid Prihodnost (UM). Through their new age parody format “LoveStream,” they will raise your vibrations and frequencies, cleanse your chakras, perform a freestyle sound bath, and relieve your wallets for 12 EUR on the event day.
The event will work like this: you’ll share your problems or the problems of a friend with them, and UM & KUNA will channel and cosmically cleanse them through musical freestyle healing. Be careful not to reveal your bank account number or any PIN codes, as they’re also known for spiritual thefts. Hurry and book your tickets, as all the tickets were sold out at their previous event!
On stage, they’ll be joined by the amazing and talent musicians: David Nik Lipovac and Leon Firšt.
Ticket Price: 12€/10€ (student)
Tickets SOLD OUT!
Missed out on tickets? Contact us to join the waiting list and be notified if any spots open up!
Blaž Mencinger – Koncert za oddih
Blaž Mencinger – Koncert za oddih
🗓️ 31. 1. 2025 @ 20:00 | VRATA @ 19:00
Blaž Mencinger pripravlja poseben koncert v čarobnem Clay theatru, kjer bo predstavil širši spekter svoje glasbe, vključno z deli, ki jih še ni predstavil javnosti. Tokrat bo združil svoj zabavljaški in romantični obraz ter jima dodal več globine.
Septembra 2024 je izdal album “Delček srca”, ki je bil premierno predstavljen v razprodanem Orto baru. Album je prejel odlične kritike, tretjina pesmi pa je bila nominirana za popevko tedna na Valu 202.
Vstopnina: 12€/10€ (študenti)
Zagotovite si vstopnico SOLD OUT!
Ste ostali brez vstopnic? Pišite nam, da vas dodamo na čakalni seznam in obvestimo, če se sprosti kakšno mesto!
"Le z delčkom srca je Blaž že osvojil mnoga srca."
(24ur, Matjaž Ambrožič)
"Sladek album, a v pravih odmerkih. Ve, kaj dela."
(Sigic, Jaša Lorenčič)
Blaž Mencinger – A Concert to Unwind
🗓️ 31. 1. 2025 @ 20:00 | VRATA @ 19:00
Blaž Mencinger is preparing a special concert at the enchanting Clay Theatre, where he will perform a wider selection of his music, including songs that have never been presented to the public before. This time, he will blend his entertaining and romantic sides, adding more depth to both.
In September 2024, he released his album "Delček srca" (A Piece of the Heart), which was premiered at a sold-out Orto Bar. The album received rave reviews, and a third of its tracks were nominated for Song of the Week on Val 202.
Ticket Price: 12€/10€ (student)
Tickets SOLD OUT!
Missed out on tickets? Contact us to join the waiting list and be notified if any spots open up!
"With just a piece of his heart, Blaž has already captured many hearts."
(24ur, Matjaž Ambrožič)
"A sweet album, but delivered in just the right doses. He knows what he's doing."
(Sigic, Jaša Lorenčič)
POSTPONED - Geobanda - Glasbeni ansambel
Geoband glasbeni ansambel - POSTPONED!
Pomembno obvestilo: Dogodek prestavljen
Z obžalovanjem vas obveščamo, da je dogodek Geobanda Musical Ensemble, prvotno načrtovan za 24. januar 2025, prestavljen zaradi nepredvidenih okoliščin. Iskreno se opravičujemo za morebitne nevšečnosti in se zahvaljujemo za vaše razumevanje.
Nov datum in podrobnosti bodo kmalu objavljeni tukaj. Za dodatna vprašanja nas lahko kontaktirate na
Hvala za vašo potrpežljivost in podporo!
Geobanda Musical Ensemble - POSTPONED!
Important Notice: Event Postponed
We regret to inform you that the Geobanda Musical Ensemble event, originally scheduled for January 24, 2025, has been postponed due to unforeseen circumstances. We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and appreciate your understanding.
The new date and details will be announced here soon. For any questions, please contact us at
Thank you for your patience and support!
Bowrain + Uroš: Živa glasba + Open Mic
Bowrain + Uroš: Živa glasba + Open Mic @ Clay Theatre
🗓️ 17.1.2025 @ 20:00 | Vrata @ 19:00
Pripravite se na vznemirljivo noč! Prvi del prinaša 40-minutni nastop z Bowrainom na klavirju, Urošem kot pevcem in Blažem na bobnih. Sledi open mic, kjer so umetniki vseh vrst vabljeni, da se predstavijo do 5 minut. Ne zamudite tega praznovanja talenta!
Vstopnina: 15€/12 student.
Bowrain + Uroš: Live Music + Open Mic
🗓️ 17.1.2025 @ 20:00 Vrata @ 19:00
Get ready for an exciting night! The first act features a 40-minute performance with Bowrain on piano, Uroš as the lead singer, and Blaž on drums. Then, an open mic follows, where artists of all kinds are invited to perform for up to 5 minutes. Don’t miss this celebration of talent!
Ticket fee: 15€/12€ student.
You can now reserve your tickets here.

AKA Neomi - Extra Božični Koncert @Clay Theatre
🗓️ 15.12.2024 @ 19:00 | Vrata @ 18:00
Saša Vipotnik, Mario Babojelić, Dejan Slak, Mare Grubar, Igor Matković
Za več informacij in vstopnice, prosimo, kontaktirajte:
AKA Neomi - Extra Christmas Concert
🗓️ 15.12.2024 @ 20:00 | Doors @ 18:00
Welcome to Sunday 15.12. at 7pm at the Clay Theatre!
Saša Vipotnik, Mario Babojelić, Dejan Slak, Mare Grubar, Igor Matković
For more information and tickets please contact:
Večer Monologov
Večer Monologov
🗓️ 12.12.2024 @ 20:00 | VRATA @ 19:00
Z navdušenjem predstavljamo talentirano zasedbo za Večer Monologov!
Nastopili bodo:
Rina Pleteršek
Matteo La Porta
Tina Skvarča
Nataša Babič
Rasfan Haval
Emyr Gold
Vsak monolog bo trajal približno 7 do 15 minut in bo predstavil raznolike zgodbe v več jezikih.
Za več informacij o monologih in naši izjemni zasedbi obiščite naš instagram profil, kjer so objavljene najnovejše posodobitve.
Komaj čakamo, da skupaj preživimo ta poseben večer—se vidimo!
A Night of Monologues
🗓️ 12.12.2024 @ 20:00 | DOORS @ 19:00
We’re thrilled to reveal the talented lineup for A Night of Monologues!
Featuring performances by:
Rina Pleteršek
Matteo La Porta
Tina Skvarča
Nataša Babič
Rasfan Haval
Emyr Gold
Each monologue will run approximately 7 to 15 minutes, showcasing diverse stories in multiple languages.
For more details about the monologues and our incredible cast, visit our instagram profile to see the latest updates.
We can’t wait to share this special night with you—see you there!
A Queer Intercultural Night with Om Badawi and Not Your Schehrazade!
27. 11. 2024 @ 19.00, VRATA @ 18.00 (dolžina: 2 uri)
Ta participativna predstava želi ujeti in proslaviti umetnost ter izraze spolne fluidnosti skozi medkulturni pogled. Om Badawi je egipčanski navdihnjen lik, ki ga je oživil Stavros Kurillos, medtem ko je Not Your Schehrazade kvir, ateistična in dekolonialna feministična reinterpretacija klasične Šeherezade iz Arabskih noči, ki jo je ustvarila Samar Zughool.
Po predstavi vas vabimo k razpravi o interkulturalizmu v kvir skupnosti, kjer bomo raziskovali tako dediščino kot sodobne realnosti kvir kulture na Bližnjem vzhodu.
Dogodek je zasnovan z namenom dokumentiranja, deljenja in promocije bogastva interkulturalizma v kvir skupnostih.
Opomba: razprava in predstava bosta potekali v angleščini.
27. 11. 2024 @ 19.00, DOORS @ 18.00 (length: 2 hrs)
This participatory performance aims to capture and celebrate gender-fluid art and expression through an intercultural lens. Om Badawi is an Egyptian-inspired character brought to life by Stavros Kurillos, while Not Your Schehrazade is Samar Zughool’s queer, atheist, and decolonial feminist reinterpretation of the classic Scheherazade from The Arabian Nights.
Following the performance, join a discussion on interculturalism within the queer community, exploring both the heritage and contemporary realities of queer culture in the Middle East.
This event is designed to document, share, and promote the richness of interculturalism within queer communities.
Note: the discussion and performance will be held in English.
SOLD OUT Improezija + Živa Glasba: UM & Kuna + Buš & David
25. Oktober 2024 ob 20:00 (približna dolžina 1 ura 20 minut)
Večer improvizirane poezije in glasbe, Knjigor Ćitanović (Kuna), Črkomir Bralšek (UM) in Booky Buš (Anže Lajevec) ter Platnicius Kazalov (David Nik Lipovac) bodo združili čarobno moč improvizacije z ljubečimi zvoki poezije in glasbe.
To bo resnično čudovit večer, poln smeha in pripovedovanja zgodb, kakovostne poezije, čudovitih melodij klavirja in ritmov bobnov.
Kako točno bo to delovalo? Na predloge iz publike bo naša prelestna četvorka sestavljala tako daljše epe kot tudi krajše improvizirane pesmi in visoko kakovostno glasbo, ki bo nastajala tik pred vami, na licu mesta. Zatorej pripeljite svojo Dragano, pripeljite svojega Dragana, pripeljite svoje tovariše in tovarišice in se potopite v čutni svet glasbe in poezije, v Petek 25.10. ob 20:00 v Clay theatre.
Vstopnice: 12€/10€ student (recommended donation)
25th October 2024 @ 20:00 (duration approx. 1 hr 20 mins)
An evening of improvised poetry and music by Knjigor Ćitanović (Kuna), Črkomir Bralšek (UM), and Booky Buš (Anže Lajevec), along with Platnicius Kazalov (David Nik Lipovac), will combine the magical power of improvisation with the loving sounds of poetry and music
It will be a truly wonderful evening, filled with laughter and story telling, quality poetry, beautiful piano melodies, and drum rhythms.
How exactly will this work? Based on suggestions from the audience, our magnificent quartet will compose both longer epics and shorter improvised poems, along with high-quality music created right before your eyes, on the spot.
So bring your Dragana, bring your Dragan, bring your comrades, and immerse yourself in the sensual world of music and poetry, on Friday, October 25th at 8:00 PM at Clay Theatre.
Tickets: 12€/10€ student (recommended donation)
Note: performance will be performed in English and Slovenian.
Turtles Can Fly
19. oktober 2024 ob 19:00 (1 hr 40 mins)
Pridružite se nam 19. oktobra na projekciji močnega in čustveno pretresljivega filma Želve lahko letijo. Film je postavljen v čas pred ameriško invazijo, blizu iraško-turške meje, kjer zgodba sledi beguncem, med njimi tudi 13-letnemu Kaku (Ebrahim), ki skupaj z drugimi otroki čaka na svojo negotovo prihodnost. Film obljublja, da bo čustveno nabit in miselno izzivalen.
Režiser: Bahman Ghobadi
19th October 2024 @ 19:00 (1 hr 40 mins)
Join us on the 19th of October for a screening of ‘Turtles Can Fly’, a deeply moving and powerful feature film. Set on the eve of the American invasion near the Iraqi-Turkish border, the story follows refugee children, including 13-year-old Kak (Ebrahim), as they navigate the uncertainty of their future. This film promises to be both emotionally impactful and thought-provoking.
Directed by Bahman Ghobadi
English subtitles included.
Večer Varieté-ja/A Night of Variety
4. 10. 2024 ob 20.00 @Clay Theatre (približna dolžina 1 ura 20 minut)
4. oktobra ob 20.00 se nam pridružite v našem teatru na večeru vznemerljivih raznolikih nastopov. Od pesnikov, ki bodo izražali mogočne besede do komikov, ki vas bodi nasmejali - vsak v svojih veščinah in kratkih, 15-minutnih nastopih.
El Henry (Palestinski rap), Kikiwritings + Jaka (Vokali + Akustika), Neccari Tocuyo (Venezuelska/Reggae glasba), Silva Karim (Kamišibaj) in Ajda Peternel (Stand-up komedija).
4. 10. 2024 at 20.00 @Clay Theatre (approx length 1 hour 20 minutes)
Join us on Friday, 4th October, at Clay Theatre for an exciting evening of a variety of performances! These talents can range from poets expressing powerful words to comedians making you laugh, each act will showcase their skills in performances lasting approximately 15 minutes.
El Henry (Palestinian Rap), Kikiwritings + Jaka (Vocals + Acoustic), Neccari Tocuyo (Venezuelan/Reggae Music), Silva Karim (Kamishibai) and Ajda Peternel (Stand-up Comedy).

1834: Al Ghawazi & Khawalat
22. 6. 2024 ob 21.00 @Clay Theatre (45 min)
Vabimo vas, da se udeležite umetniške predstave queer dekolonialne skupnosti: 1834: Al Ghawazi in Khawalat. To je dogodek zbiranja sredstev, na voljo bo škatla za prostovoljne prispevke za družine v Gazi. Predstava "Al Ghawazi in Khawalat" praznuje spolno fluidne in queer umetnosti, identitete ter izraze v Egiptu pred kolonizacijo. Al Khawalat so del arabske dediščine queer trebušnega plesa, ki je bil skozi čas stigmatiziran zaradi kolonialnega vpliva v Egiptu. Al Ghawazi so ženske trebušne plesalke, ki so bile leta 1834 v Egiptu prepovedane zaradi kolonialnega vpliva. Kolonialni mizoginisti so se bali in sovražili ženske, ki so plesale same. V 1800-ih letih so bili tako Al Ghawazi kot Al Khawalat v orientalistični literaturi prikazani kot spolno razuzdani. Kapitalistična kolonizacija je prispevala k prepovedi in stigmatizaciji Al Ghawazi in Khawalat s tem, da je uvedla davčni sistem na njihova telesa. Kljub mizoginistični in patriarhalni kolonizaciji "Al Ghawazi in Khawalat" še vedno izstopajo kot odpor skozi svoj obstoj. Po predstavi bomo imeli pijačo, prigrizke in priložnost za druženje. Predstava SIDE: Samar Zughool, Behnaz Aliesfahanipour and Rula Hummada. //
22. 6. 2024 at 21.00 @Clay Theatre (45 mins)
We invite you to attend the queer decolonial community art performance: 1834: Al Ghawazi and Khawalat. This is a fund raising event, there will be a donation box to fundraise directly for families in Gaza. The “Al Ghawazi and Khawalat” performance celebrates gender fluid and queer arts, identities and expressions in Egypt before colonization. Al Khawalt is part of the Arabic heritage of queer belly dance which got stigmatized over time due to the colonial influence in Egypt. Al Ghawazi are women belly dancers who were banned in Egypt because of colonial influence in 1834. The colonial misogyny feared and hated women dancing on their own. During the 1800s, both Al Ghawazi and Al Khawalat were portrayed by orientalist literature as sexual debauchery. Capitalist colonization contributed to the ban and stigmatization of Al Ghawazi and Khawalat by imposing the taxation system on their bodies. Despite misogynist and patriarchal colonization “The al Ghawazi and Khawalat” are still prominent as resistance through existence. Performance by SIDE: Samar (she, her), Behnaz (she, they), and Rula (she, her).Samar Zughool (she,her), Behnaz Aliesfahanipour (she,they) and Rula Hummada (she,her).
15. 6. 2024 ob 17.00 do 20.00 @Clay Theatre, 3h-workshop
V prijetnem vzdušju našega studia se bomo s poznavalci sprehodili po treh izjemnih vinorodnih regijah: Istri, Vipavski dolini in Goriških Brdih, z edinstveno sorto Malvazije, ob raziskovanju različnih tehnik pridelave vina, od konvencionalnih pa vse do tistih z minimalnimi posegi in “funky” maceracijami.
Program bo vseboval:
1 sorto, 3 regije z degustacijo 6 čudovitih vzorcev vin
v kombinaciji z izborom okusnih kozjih sirov iz ekološke kmetije @kumparička
deljenje znanja in vodena debata s strani vinskih poznavalcev Zale Gomboc & Žana Nemaniča
O vaših mentorjih: Zala Gomboc in Žan Nemanič si prizadevata ustvariti vključujoče in spontano okolje, ki spodbuja raznoliko razmišljanje in debato o vinu, kulturi in naravi.
Delavnica je namenjena ljubiteljem vina, kulinaričnim raziskovalcem in vsem, ki jih zanima poglobljeno spoznavanje vin ter zanimive zgodbe o Malvaziji in njenih pridelovalcih.
Join us as we journey through three distinctive wine regions—Istria, Vipava Valley, and Goriška Brda — each showcasing the quirky charm of the Malvasia grape. Along the way, we’ll explore winemaking techniques from the classic to the wildly unconventional, including funky macerations that will tickle your taste buds.
Workshop info below:
1 variety, 3 regions, 6 delightful wine samples
Paired with exquisite goat cheeses from the organic farm @kumparička
About the mentors: Guided by the dynamic duo, Zala Gomboc & Žan Nemanič, sharing their expertise and sparking lively debates Zala and Žan are on a mission to create an inclusive and spontaneous atmosphere that fosters diverse thinking and spirited conversations about wine, culture, and nature.
The workshop is intended for wine enthusiasts, culinary explorers, and anyone interested in a deep dive into backstories of wines and wine makers of Malvazija, and delicious cheese pairings.
Cena za 3-urno delavnico Sip & Discuss: 35,00€/osebo (vključuje vzorce, pogostitev ter izobraževanje)
Rezervirajte svojo vstopnico na povezavi, kmalu zatem boste prejeli potrditveni email z informacijami o plačilu prijavnine.
Price for the 3-hour Sip & Discuss workshop: €35.00 per person (includes samples, refreshments, and education).
Reserve your ticket on our website, soon after you will receive a confirmation email with a payment details.

Žena, Arne, Tao
20. 4. 2024 ob 19.30 @ Clay Theatre
Žena in Arne sta nepremagljiv dvojec pred in za mirkofonom. Par, za katerega pač moraš navijat, ker sta čist preveč kjut. Kot da to ni dost, imata za mešalko še zlatega prinašalca v človeškem telesu. Taova nalezljiva energija in šarm vedno znova presentita poslušalce, ki so pričakovali še enega dolgočasnega statičnega DJ-a. Žena, Arne in Tao show je na kratko recept za nepozabljiv večer.
Žena and Arne are an unbeatable duo in front of and behind the microphone. A couple you just have to root for because they're so darn cute. As if that's not enough, they also have a golden retriever as their mixer. Their infectious energy and charm never fail to delight listeners who were expecting just another boring, static DJ. The Žena, Arne, and Tao show is, in short, the recipe for an unforgettable evening.

Astrid - Live Music
16. 3. 2024 ob 19.30 @ Clay Theatre
Astrid Ana Kljun / Astrid - je alt-pop glasbenica, harfistka in pevka, tekstopiska, režiserka in producentka videospotov, znana po skladbah Hey, Julie, Kostarika in Dry Out. Od leta 2023 redno nastopa s super-zasedbo izjemnih glasbenikov, ki jo sestavljajo Tomaž Zupančič (klaviature, kitara, bas), Luka Flegar (kitara, bas) in David Nik Lipovac (bobni, perkusije). V mesecu maju planirajo izid debitantskega dolgometražca 18:48. V Clay Theatru se bodo predstavili s skladbami s prihajajočega albuma, vendar na popolnoma svež in intimen način.
16.3 at 19.30 @ Clay Theatre
Astrid Ana Kljun, also known as Astrid, is an alt-pop musician, harpist, singer, songwriter, director, and music video producer, renowned for songs like “Hey,” “Julie,” “Kostarika,” and “Dry Out.” Since 2023, she has been regularly performing with a supergroup of exceptional musicians, including Tomaž Zupančič (keyboards, guitar, bass), Luka Flegar (guitar, bass), and David Nik Lipovac (drums, percussion). They plan to release their debut full-length album titled “18:48” in May. At Clay Theatre, they will present songs from the upcoming album in a completely fresh and intimate manner.

Short Film Festival
Z veseljem naznanjamo, da bomo v Glinenem teatru ponovno gostili enkraten večer poln pronicljivih filmov! Selekcijo izbranih filmov objavimo kmalu.
9. marca ob 19.30.
We’re thrilled to share the exciting news that we will be hosting another night filled with enriching short films on March 9, 2024, at 19:30!
Stay tuned for the upcoming release of the selected films.

Oud & Zaz Fusion Concert
Pridružite se nam na večeru perzijske, kurdske, arabske, armenske in turške glasbe, izvedene prvič v Ljubljani s strani treh briljantnih glasbenikov za očarljivo združitev glasbe Bližnjega vzhoda.
Join us at the night of Persian, Kurdish, Arabic, Armenian and Turkish music, performed for the first time in Ljubljana by three brilliant musicians for enchanting fusion of Middle-Eastern music.