Večer Monologov
🗓️ 12.12.2024 @ 20:00 | VRATA @ 19:00
Z navdušenjem predstavljamo talentirano zasedbo za Večer Monologov!
Nastopili bodo:
Rina Pleteršek
Matteo La Porta
Tina Skvarča
Nataša Babič
Rasfan Haval
Emyr Gold
Vsak monolog bo trajal približno 7 do 15 minut in bo predstavil raznolike zgodbe v več jezikih.
Za več informacij o monologih in naši izjemni zasedbi obiščite naš instagram profil, kjer so objavljene najnovejše posodobitve.
Komaj čakamo, da skupaj preživimo ta poseben večer—se vidimo!
A Night of Monologues
🗓️ 12.12.2024 @ 20:00 | DOORS @ 19:00
We’re thrilled to reveal the talented lineup for A Night of Monologues!
Featuring performances by:
Rina Pleteršek
Matteo La Porta
Tina Skvarča
Nataša Babič
Rasfan Haval
Emyr Gold
Each monologue will run approximately 7 to 15 minutes, showcasing diverse stories in multiple languages.
For more details about the monologues and our incredible cast, visit our instagram profile to see the latest updates.
We can’t wait to share this special night with you—see you there!