Pozivi // Open call
odprt // open
rok // deadline: 2. 12. 2024
SLO (english below)
🎭 [OPEN CALL - Večer Monologov] 🎭
Ste igralec, ki živi v Sloveniji? Clay Theatre išče raznoliko skupino izvajalcev, ki bodo predstavili individualne monologe na naši odru pred živo publiko. Sprejemamo igralce vseh starosti, spolov, ras, izkušenj in kvalifikacij.
Spodbujamo vas, da boste sami in sprejeli svojo edinstvenost!
Če ste vi ali kdo, ki ga poznate, zainteresirani, prosimo, da pošljete svojo prijavo na info@claytheatre.art. Ne pozabite vključiti kratkega opisa sebe, svojega življenjepisa in video posnetka (če je na voljo).
Pošljite svoj self-tape prek WeTransfer na info@claytheatre.art.
🔔 Prijave so zdaj odprte.
🗓️ Rok za prijavo: 2. december ob 13.00.
🎭 Datum dogodka: 12. december.
To je plačana priložnost.
🎭 [OPEN CALL - Evening of Monologues] 🎭
Are you an actor living in Slovenia? Clay Theatre is seeking a diverse group of performers to present individual monologues on our stage in front of a live audience.
We welcome actors of all ages, genders, races, experiences, and qualifications. We encourage you to be yourself and embrace your uniqueness!
If you or someone you know might be interested, please send your application to info@claytheatre.art. Be sure to include a brief description of yourself, your CV, and a showreel (if available).
Send your self-tape submission via WeTransfer to info@claytheatre.art.
🔔 Submissions are now open.
🗓️ Application deadline: December 2nd at 1 pm.
🎭 Event date: December 12th.
This is a paid opportunity.
Pozivi // Open call
zaključen // closed
rok // deadline: 23. 9. 2024
SLO (english below)
Kako se prijaviti:
Pošljite video posnetek (self-tape), ki prikazuje vaš talent, skupaj s kratkim opisom o sebi.
Lahko pa pošljete tudi svoj reel.
Pošljite preko WeTransfer na info@claytheatre.art.
(To je plačana priložnost z omejenim številom mest.)
🗓️ Prijave so odprte zdaj.
🕰️ Rok za oddajo: 23. september 2024.
Z veseljem pričakujemo vaše prijave in vas morda vidimo na našem odru! 🎭
We're on the lookout for a variety of talents to perform on the Clay Theatre stage on the evening of Friday, 4th October! Whether you’re part of a duet performing live music or a comedian ready to bring the house down with your stand-up act, we want to see your skills!
How to Apply:
Submit a self-tape video showcasing your talent along with a short bio about yourself.
Alternatively, you can send your reel.
Submit via WeTransfer to info@claytheatre.art.
✨ This is a paid opportunity with limited spots available, so don't miss out! ✨
🗓️ Submissions Open Now!
⏳ Deadline: 23rd September 2024
We’re excited to see your submissions and potentially have you perform on our stage! 🎭-
zaključen // closed
rok // deadline: 29. 2. 2024
SLO (english below)
Z veseljem objavljamo nov poziv za prihajajoč Festival kratkega filma.
- kratke filme vseh žanrov, vključno z pripovednimi, dokumentarnimi, animiranimi in eksperimentalnimi.
- filme, ki pripovedujejo pronicljive zgodbe in spodbujajo h razmisleku.
- edinstvene in raznolike perspektive
Zakaj prijaviti svoj film:
- Pridobite izpostavljenost za svoje delo na mednarodni platformi v Ljubljani, Sloveniji.
- Dosežite nove občinstva.
- Bodite del edinstvenega dogodka v posebni atmosferi keramičnega studia.
Pomembni detajli:
- Pošljite svoj film na info@claytheatre.art
- Vključite svoje ime, kontaktne informacije in kratek opis svojega filma.
We’re excited to announce an open call for a one day short film festival!
Here’s what we’re looking for:
- international/domestic film makers
- Short films of any genre, including narrative, documentary, animation, and experimental.
- Films that tell compelling stories & provoke thought
- Unique and diverse perspectives
Why submit your film:
- Gain exposure for your work on an international platform in Ljubljana, Slovenia
- Reach new audiences
- Be a part of a unique event in a special atmosphere of a ceramics studio.
Submission details:
- Send your film to info@claytheatre.art
- Include your name, contact information, and a brief description of your film.
zaključen // closed
rok // deadline: 29. 2. 2024
SLO (english below)
Z veseljem objavljamo nov poziv za prihajajoč Festival kratkega filma.
- kratke filme vseh žanrov, vključno z pripovednimi, dokumentarnimi, animiranimi in eksperimentalnimi.
- filme, ki pripovedujejo pronicljive zgodbe in spodbujajo h razmisleku.
- edinstvene in raznolike perspektive
Zakaj prijaviti svoj film:
- Pridobite izpostavljenost za svoje delo na mednarodni platformi v Ljubljani, Sloveniji.
- Dosežite nove občinstva.
- Bodite del edinstvenega dogodka v posebni atmosferi keramičnega studia.
Pomembni detajli:
- Pošljite svoj film na info@claytheatre.art
- Vključite svoje ime, kontaktne informacije in kratek opis svojega filma.
We’re excited to announce an open call for a one day short film festival!
Here’s what we’re looking for:
- international/domestic film makers
- Short films of any genre, including narrative, documentary, animation, and experimental.
- Films that tell compelling stories & provoke thought
- Unique and diverse perspectives
Why submit your film:
- Gain exposure for your work on an international platform in Ljubljana, Slovenia
- Reach new audiences
- Be a part of a unique event in a special atmosphere of a ceramics studio.
Submission details:
- Send your film to info@claytheatre.art
- Include your name, contact information, and a brief description of your film.
in progress
rok // deadline: no specified deadline
We’re on the hunt for fierce & fabulous drag performers to showcase their extraordinary talents. Whether you're a seasoned queen or a dazzling newcomer, we want to see your unique style and charisma.
How to Apply:
If you think you have what it takes to light up our stage, send us the following:
A brief bio introducing yourself and your drag persona.
A few photos or videos showcasing your drag excellence.
Your contact information (email and phone)
What we offer:
fixed fee for all performers
spotlight performance in front of an enthusiastic audience
Submission details:
Submission deadline: none
Send your application to info@claytheatre.art
Z veseljem naznanjamo odprti poziv za Drag Night, ki bo potekal 15. decembra v našem teatru.
Iščemo drag performerje, ki želijo pokazati svoje izjemne talente. Ne glede na to, ali si že izkušena kraljica ali svež novinec, na našem odru si želimo videti tvoj edinstven slog in karizmo.
Kako se prijaviti:
Če meniš, da imaš to, kar je potrebno, da zažariš na našem odru, nam pošlji:
Kratek življenjepis, ki predstavlja tebe in tvojo drag osebnost
Nekaj fotografij/videoposnetkov, ki nam bodo pokazali tvojo odličnost v izvajanju draga
Tvoje kontakt (e-pošta in telefon)
Kaj ti ponujamo:
Fiksno plačilo za vse izvajalce
vznemerljivo predstavo pred navdušeno publiko v našem Teatru
Promocijo na naših socialnih kanalih
Kar še moraš vedeti:
Rok za prijavo: ni
Pošlji svojo prijavo na info@claytheatre.art
Se vidimo!
zaključen // closed
rok // deadline: 20. 9. 2023
Clay Theatre/Glineni teater išče igralce za sodelovanje na Večeru monologov v petek, 13. oktobra.
Iščemo osebe katerekoli starosti, spola, rase ali izkušenj.
Spodbujamo raznolikost, zato bodite to, kar ste!
Če vas ali koga, ki ga poznate, zanima sodelovanje, se nam oglasite na info@claytheatre.art.
Prosimo, da vključite kratek opis, življenjepis, dobrodošel je tudi showreel (če ga imate).
Clay Theatre is looking for actors to take part in our Monologue Night Event on the Friday, 13th October.
We are looking for any age, gender, race, experience and qualifications.
We encourage diversity, so be yourself!
If you are or know anyone who would be interested, please send us an application to our email address info@claytheatre.art.
Please include a short description of yourself, CV and showreel (if possible). Thank you!
zaključen // closed
rok // deadline: 21. 10. 2023
charitable event
We're excited to announce an open call for Ukrainian short film makers or film makers who are authors of films on Ukrainian topics; to submit their work for a charitable film festival. Here’s what we're looking for:
Short films of any genre, including narrative, documentary, animation, and experimental.
Films that tell compelling stories & provoke thought
Unique and diverse perspectives that reflect the rich Ukrainian culture
Why submit your film:
Gain exposure for your work on an international platform in Ljubljana, Slovenia
Connect with new audiences
Your contribution will help children who suffer mental health issues
Submission details:
Submission deadline: 21st of October
Send your film to info@claytheatre.art
Include your name, contact information, and a brief description of your film.
All funds collected through this event will support a charitable organisation Save the Children, that provides mental health aid of victims of war through art therapy, education programmes and child friendly spaces.