27. 11. 2024 @ 19.00, VRATA @ 18.00 (dolžina: 2 uri)
Ta participativna predstava želi ujeti in proslaviti umetnost ter izraze spolne fluidnosti skozi medkulturni pogled. Om Badawi je egipčanski navdihnjen lik, ki ga je oživil Stavros Kurillos, medtem ko je Not Your Schehrazade kvir, ateistična in dekolonialna feministična reinterpretacija klasične Šeherezade iz Arabskih noči, ki jo je ustvarila Samar Zughool.
Po predstavi vas vabimo k razpravi o interkulturalizmu v kvir skupnosti, kjer bomo raziskovali tako dediščino kot sodobne realnosti kvir kulture na Bližnjem vzhodu.
Dogodek je zasnovan z namenom dokumentiranja, deljenja in promocije bogastva interkulturalizma v kvir skupnostih.
Opomba: razprava in predstava bosta potekali v angleščini.
27. 11. 2024 @ 19.00, DOORS @ 18.00 (length: 2 hrs)
This participatory performance aims to capture and celebrate gender-fluid art and expression through an intercultural lens. Om Badawi is an Egyptian-inspired character brought to life by Stavros Kurillos, while Not Your Schehrazade is Samar Zughool’s queer, atheist, and decolonial feminist reinterpretation of the classic Scheherazade from The Arabian Nights.
Following the performance, join a discussion on interculturalism within the queer community, exploring both the heritage and contemporary realities of queer culture in the Middle East.
This event is designed to document, share, and promote the richness of interculturalism within queer communities.
Note: the discussion and performance will be held in English.