Blaž Mencinger – Koncert za oddih
🗓️ 31. 1. 2025 @ 20:00 | VRATA @ 19:00
Blaž Mencinger pripravlja poseben koncert v čarobnem Clay theatru, kjer bo predstavil širši spekter svoje glasbe, vključno z deli, ki jih še ni predstavil javnosti. Tokrat bo združil svoj zabavljaški in romantični obraz ter jima dodal več globine.
Septembra 2024 je izdal album “Delček srca”, ki je bil premierno predstavljen v razprodanem Orto baru. Album je prejel odlične kritike, tretjina pesmi pa je bila nominirana za popevko tedna na Valu 202.
Vstopnina: 12€/10€ (študenti)
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"Le z delčkom srca je Blaž že osvojil mnoga srca."
(24ur, Matjaž Ambrožič)
"Sladek album, a v pravih odmerkih. Ve, kaj dela."
(Sigic, Jaša Lorenčič)
Blaž Mencinger – A Concert to Unwind
🗓️ 31. 1. 2025 @ 20:00 | VRATA @ 19:00
Blaž Mencinger is preparing a special concert at the enchanting Clay Theatre, where he will perform a wider selection of his music, including songs that have never been presented to the public before. This time, he will blend his entertaining and romantic sides, adding more depth to both.
In September 2024, he released his album "Delček srca" (A Piece of the Heart), which was premiered at a sold-out Orto Bar. The album received rave reviews, and a third of its tracks were nominated for Song of the Week on Val 202.
Ticket Price: 12€/10€ (student)
Tickets SOLD OUT!
Missed out on tickets? Contact us to join the waiting list and be notified if any spots open up!
"With just a piece of his heart, Blaž has already captured many hearts."
(24ur, Matjaž Ambrožič)
"A sweet album, but delivered in just the right doses. He knows what he's doing."
(Sigic, Jaša Lorenčič)