22. 6. 2024 ob 21.00 @Clay Theatre (45 min)
Vabimo vas, da se udeležite umetniške predstave queer dekolonialne skupnosti: 1834: Al Ghawazi in Khawalat. To je dogodek zbiranja sredstev, na voljo bo škatla za prostovoljne prispevke za družine v Gazi. Predstava "Al Ghawazi in Khawalat" praznuje spolno fluidne in queer umetnosti, identitete ter izraze v Egiptu pred kolonizacijo. Al Khawalat so del arabske dediščine queer trebušnega plesa, ki je bil skozi čas stigmatiziran zaradi kolonialnega vpliva v Egiptu. Al Ghawazi so ženske trebušne plesalke, ki so bile leta 1834 v Egiptu prepovedane zaradi kolonialnega vpliva. Kolonialni mizoginisti so se bali in sovražili ženske, ki so plesale same. V 1800-ih letih so bili tako Al Ghawazi kot Al Khawalat v orientalistični literaturi prikazani kot spolno razuzdani. Kapitalistična kolonizacija je prispevala k prepovedi in stigmatizaciji Al Ghawazi in Khawalat s tem, da je uvedla davčni sistem na njihova telesa. Kljub mizoginistični in patriarhalni kolonizaciji "Al Ghawazi in Khawalat" še vedno izstopajo kot odpor skozi svoj obstoj. Po predstavi bomo imeli pijačo, prigrizke in priložnost za druženje. Predstava SIDE: Samar Zughool, Behnaz Aliesfahanipour and Rula Hummada. //
22. 6. 2024 at 21.00 @Clay Theatre (45 mins)
We invite you to attend the queer decolonial community art performance: 1834: Al Ghawazi and Khawalat. This is a fund raising event, there will be a donation box to fundraise directly for families in Gaza. The “Al Ghawazi and Khawalat” performance celebrates gender fluid and queer arts, identities and expressions in Egypt before colonization. Al Khawalt is part of the Arabic heritage of queer belly dance which got stigmatized over time due to the colonial influence in Egypt. Al Ghawazi are women belly dancers who were banned in Egypt because of colonial influence in 1834. The colonial misogyny feared and hated women dancing on their own. During the 1800s, both Al Ghawazi and Al Khawalat were portrayed by orientalist literature as sexual debauchery. Capitalist colonization contributed to the ban and stigmatization of Al Ghawazi and Khawalat by imposing the taxation system on their bodies. Despite misogynist and patriarchal colonization “The al Ghawazi and Khawalat” are still prominent as resistance through existence. Performance by SIDE: Samar (she, her), Behnaz (she, they), and Rula (she, her).Samar Zughool (she,her), Behnaz Aliesfahanipour (she,they) and Rula Hummada (she,her).