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Geobanda - Glasbeni ansambel

Geoband glasbeni ansambel

🗓️ 24. 1. 2025 @ 20:00 | VRATA @ 19:00


Geobanda je glasbena zasedba, ki združuje instrumental profesorjev geologije in vokalne harmonije treh pevk.

S svojo glasbo, prepleteno z bogatimi zvoki kontrabasa, saksofona, kitar in klarineta, prinašajo svežino v svet swing in blues priredb.

Njihovi nastopi so polni energije, ustvarjeni za ljubitelje plesa in tiste, ki uživajo v nostalgičnih ritmih z modernim pridihom.

Vstopnina: 8€/6€ student.



Geobanda Musical Ensemble

🗓️ 24. 1. 2025 @ 20:00 | DOORS @ 19:00

Geobanda is a musical ensemble that combines the instruments of geology professors with the vocal harmonies of three singers.

Their music, enriched with the rich sounds of the double bass, saxophone, guitars, and clarinet, brings a fresh take on swing and blues covers.

Their performances are full of energy, designed for dance enthusiasts and those who enjoy nostalgic rhythms with a modern twist.

Ticket fee: 8€/6€ student.

January 17

Bowrain + Uroš: Živa glasba + Open Mic