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Turtles Can Fly

19. oktober 2024 ob 19:00 (1 hr 40 mins)

Pridružite se nam 19. oktobra na projekciji močnega in čustveno pretresljivega filma Želve lahko letijo. Film je postavljen v čas pred ameriško invazijo, blizu iraško-turške meje, kjer zgodba sledi beguncem, med njimi tudi 13-letnemu Kaku (Ebrahim), ki skupaj z drugimi otroki čaka na svojo negotovo prihodnost. Film obljublja, da bo čustveno nabit in miselno izzivalen.

Režiser: Bahman Ghobadi 



19th October 2024 @ 19:00 (1 hr 40 mins)

Join us on the 19th of October for a screening of ‘Turtles Can Fly’, a deeply moving and powerful feature film. Set on the eve of the American invasion near the Iraqi-Turkish border, the story follows refugee children, including 13-year-old Kak (Ebrahim), as they navigate the uncertainty of their future. This film promises to be both emotionally impactful and thought-provoking.

Directed by Bahman Ghobadi

English subtitles included.

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