Preživite večer v prijetni atmosferi keramičnega studia, transformiranega v teater, v spremljavi očarljivih 6 kratkih predstav, surovih čustev in pronicljivih tem.
Se dobimo v petek, 13. 10. ob 20.00, v Glinenem teatru na Vilharjevi 3 v Ljubljany.
Podrobnosti o dogodku sledijo kmalu.
Dogodek je neprofitne narave in temelji na prostovoljnih donacijah v podporo nastopajočih in kritju osnovnih stroškov.
Za vprašanja o dogodku smo vam na voljo na emailu
Experience the power of monologues.
Spend the evening in the pleasant atmosphere of a ceramic studio transformed into theatre, accompanied by 6 performers, exploring different themes and concepts from different texts. Each performance will last around 15 minutes.
Let's meet on the Friday, 13th at 20.00 at the Clay Theatre (Vilharjeva cesta 3, Lj).
Details about the event will follow soon.
The event is non-profit in nature, and the organisation relies on voluntary donations, which support the performers and cover basic expenses.