Lovestream: Improv + Živa glasba
🗓️ 21. 2. 2025 @ 20:00 | VRATA @ 19:00
Impro rap dvojec UM & KUNA Freestyle Show, imata za seboj že več kot 200 nastopov v najrazličnejših oblikah, žanrih in tudi formatih.
Tokrat v Clay Theatre prihajata kot new age spiritualna guruja in šarlatana - Jože Čutim (Kuna) in Vid Prihodnost (UM). Skozi njun new age parody format “LoveStream”, vam bosta dvigala vibracije in frekvence, čistila čakre, izvajala freestyle zvočno kopel ter razbremenila vaše denarnice za 12 EUR na dan dogodka.
Dogodek bo izgledal tako, da jima boste povedali svoje težave ali težave vašega prijatelja / prijateljice, UM & KUNA pa jih bosta potem skanalizirala in kozmično počistila skozi glasbeni freestyle healing. Previdno, da jima ne izdate svojega TRR-ja ali kakšne PIN kode do vašega bančnega računa, saj sta znana tudi po spiritualnih tatvinah. Pohitite z rezervacijo, saj so na njunem prejšnjem dogodku bile vse karte razprodane!
Na odru se jima bosta pridružila neverjetna in talentirana glasbenika: David Nik Lipovac in Leon Firšt.
Vstopnina: 12€/10€ (študenti)
Zagotovite si vstopnico SOLD OUT!
Ste ostali brez vstopnic? Pišite nam, da vas dodamo na čakalni seznam in obvestimo, če se sprosti kakšno mesto!
Lovestream: Impro + Live Music
🗓️ 21. 2. 2025 @ 20:00 | DOORS @ 19:00
The improv rap duo UM & KUNA Freestyle Show has already performed over 200 times in various forms, genres, and formats.
This time, they’re coming to the Clay Theatre as new age spiritual gurus and charlatans - Jože Čutim (Kuna) and Vid Prihodnost (UM). Through their new age parody format “LoveStream,” they will raise your vibrations and frequencies, cleanse your chakras, perform a freestyle sound bath, and relieve your wallets for 12 EUR on the event day.
The event will work like this: you’ll share your problems or the problems of a friend with them, and UM & KUNA will channel and cosmically cleanse them through musical freestyle healing. Be careful not to reveal your bank account number or any PIN codes, as they’re also known for spiritual thefts. Hurry and book your tickets, as all the tickets were sold out at their previous event!
On stage, they’ll be joined by the amazing and talent musicians: David Nik Lipovac and Leon Firšt.
Ticket Price: 12€/10€ (student)
Tickets SOLD OUT!
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